January 2025 Calendar
As we welcome the new year, this month’s focus is on strengths that help us show up authentically, celebrate the good around us, and approach challenges with courage and determination. Explore the character strengths of Creativity, Gratitude, and Bravery to show up authentically in your life, your relationships, and your career. Try using them every day to improve your well-being.
Whether you’re discovering your character strengths for the first time or revisiting them after personal growth, life changes, or ongoing strengths practice, the free VIA Survey is your gateway to self-awareness and growth. In less than 15 minutes, you’ll receive a personalized strengths profile that highlights where these and other strengths show up in your life — offering valuable insights to help you thrive.
Explore More Strategies to Apply Your Strengths and Thrive

After you've completed the VIA Survey, your Total 24 Report provides the most thorough review of your 24 character strengths with the latest research-backed practices linking each of your strengths to different positive life outcomes such as greater happiness, higher achievement, better health and stronger relationships.