Top 5 Character Strengths Report
Focus on your signature strengths to improve your life and thrive.
This report is available in: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Danish, English, Finish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portugal Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.
The Top 5 Report is a perfect starter report for coaches, managers, leaders and consultants using strengths to work with others.
Your Authentic Self
Explore the strengths that are most central to who you are with a personalized report. The Top 5 Report includes your unique profile of strengths in rank order from 1-24, plus a deep dive into the five core strengths that best capture your uniqueness and essence.
Research shows, while all 24 character strengths matter, your signature strengths (top 5) matter most. Learn more about yourself and how others see you with this report about your best qualities.

What Do Your Highest Strengths Reveal About You?
The Top 5 Report dives deep into your highest strengths with:
- details on how your signature strengths shape how you think, act and feel
- insight into how others perceive you
- research-based benefits of your most natural strengths
- activities to help you put your strengths to good use
Research shows your signature strengths are a true reflection of your personal identity. Discover how you authentically express yourself in the world—and how your top strengths can make a positive impact on your life—with your personalized Top 5 Report.

Reach Your Greatest Potential
Get everything in the Top 5 Report, plus a deep dive into your middle and lesser strengths and four enlightening perspectives on your unique strengths profile, with your personalized Total 24 Character Strengths Report.
I am extremely satisfied. It will change how I feel about myself. Especially if you are in the midst of career and/or life change this can redirect your thinking in a good way.

- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between the free VIA Survey Results and the VIA Reports for purchase?
The VIA Survey is a 96-question personality test. Your free survey results include a rank order listing of your strengths from highest to lowest based on what is strongest in you. But learning your ranking of strengths is just the beginning of knowing your true identity. The in-depth, personalized VIA Reports reveal what your strengths mean about you—and how understanding your positive personality can help you overcome challenges, boost relationships, accomplish goals and find greater happiness.
- What is the difference between the Top 5 and Total 24 Reports?
According to our Education Director, Dr. Ryan Niemiec, one of the foundational principles to remember when learning about your strengths is: all 24 character strengths matter. This essential concept is the basis for the Total 24 Report. The Total 24 Report includes analysis of your full ranking of character strengths from highest to lowest, as well as different perspectives on how you express your strengths. It is your complete, personalized guide to understanding your true self and how you interact with others and operate in the world.
The Top 5 Report provides a graph of your full profile, and focuses on your greatest strengths. While all 24 character strengths matter in your life, your signature strengths matter most. These are the strengths that come most naturally to you and are easiest for you to express. The Top 5 Report is a great place to start to learn about how your core strengths impact all areas of your life and how others see you.
- Should I purchase both the Top 5 Report and Total 24 Report?
No. All of the information in the Top 5 Report exists in the Total 24 Report so purchasing the Total 24 Report is like getting both reports!
- How will I receive my report?
Each of VIA’s in-depth reports are available as a PDF download immediately after purchase and can be accessed by logging into your VIA account.
- Is the report available in other languages?
The Top 5 and Total 24 Reports are available in English, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian-Portuguese, Portuguese-Portugal, Spanish and Swedish. Interested in providing an additional translation? We would welcome your support. Please contact VIA Customer Service at
Thank you to our Report translators:
Brazilian Portuguese: Juliana Blum and Albert Holzhacker from the Geniantis Foundation and Ayala Kalnicki Band
Chinese-Simplified: Debra Chen and Vincent Chen from East-WEst Management Consulting, Inc.
Chinese-Traditional: Debra Chen and Vincent Chen from East-West Management Consulting, Inc.
Danish: Center for Mental Robusthed
Finnish: Mari Laakso and Stefania Fält The Strength, Happiness and Compassion group at the Folkhalsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland.
French: Salomé Roucel
Italian: Daniela Fontana
Japanese: Shin Matsuguma
Portugal Portuguese: Fernanda Bento
Spanish: Inés Nieto Romero
Swedish: Pehr Jakobsson, the Strength, Happiness and Compassion group at the Folkhalsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland.- Can I purchase the Top 5 Report for other people (e.g. clients, students, employees, etc.)?
Yes, if you are a helping professional, such as a therapist, coach, manager, consultant or teacher the Top 5 Report can transform the way you work with others. Set-up a VIA Pro Site, to create a private, secure link to the VIA Survey and purchase Top 5 Report credits for your account. Follow the simple instructions on your VIA Pro Site to get the survey results for others and download their in-depth Top 5 Report. Bulk discount pricing is available (see table above).
- What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?
We feel confident you will find VIA products valuable, but if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund. Refunds are issued based on product purchased. See our Refund Policy for details. Terms of Service