Start with Strengths + Total 24 Report Package
Uncover what's best in you and how to apply your unique strengths to improve your life.
About this Strengths Package
Get to know your true self—and how to apply your unique strengths to be the best you—with this course and report duo. This foundational strengths package is ideal for those beginning their strengths journey and those looking for renewed focus.
The personalized Total 24 Report reveals your unique combination of strengths, and how your strengths impact how you think, feel and behave. If you have ever wondered how your personality shapes your life, your interactions with others and how you operate in the world, this report can help.
Knowing your strengths can be inspiring, applying them can be truly transformational. The Start with Strengths Course includes on-demand sessions that teach you how your 24 strengths can be used to improve your well-being, and your interactions with family and friends, at the office and in your community.
When you work through the report and course together, you are able to personalize the expert tips and activities to your unique strengths.
Build your best life with the help of the research-based insights shared in this report and course package.

- be happier
- reduce stress
- find meaning in life
- boost relationships
- live authentically
- reach your goals
Who Should Get this Strengths Package?
Anyone interested in personal growth and development, greater well-being, and finding strengths-based solutions to problems.
Helping professionals who work with others to make positive life changes, including consultants, coaches, managers, educators, psychologists and social workers. Please contact VIA Customer Service at info@viacharacter.org to learn about bulk discount pricing for this course/report package.
"An absolute must, if you seek to become a better version of yourself."
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How will I receive my report?
The Total 24 Report is available as a PDF download immediately after purchase and can be accessed through your secure VIA account at any time.
- Is the report available in other languages?
The Top 5 and Total 24 Reports are available in English, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian-Portuguese, Portuguese-Portugal, Spanish and Swedish. Interested in providing an additional translation? We would welcome your support. Please contact VIA Customer Service at info@viacharacter.org.
Thank you to our Report translators:
Brazilian Portuguese: Juliana Blum and Albert Holzhacker from the Geniantis Foundation and Ayala Kalnicki Band
Chinese-Simplified: Debra Chen and Vincent Chen from East-WEst Management Consulting, Inc.
Chinese-Traditional: Debra Chen and Vincent Chen from East-West Management Consulting, Inc.
Danish: Center for Mental Robusthed
Finnish: Mari Laakso and Stefania Fält The Strength, Happiness and Compassion group at the Folkhalsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland.
French: Salomé Roucel
Italian: Daniela Fontana
Japanese: Shin Matsuguma
Portugal Portuguese: Fernanda Bento
Spanish: Inés Nieto Romero
Swedish: Pehr Jakobsson, the Strength, Happiness and Compassion group at the Folkhalsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland.- Will I have handouts that I can keep and review at a later date?
Yes, in each module there are PDF handouts that you can download for the practical exercises that we recommend.
- Is there bulk pricing for this course & report package?
Yes. Please contact VIA Customer Service at info@viacharacter.org to receive information on how to purchase this course and report in bulk quantity at a discounted price.
- What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?
We feel confident you will find VIA products valuable, but if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund. Refunds are issued based on product purchased. See our Refund Policy for details. Terms of Service